Wednesday, March 14, 2012

KONY 2012

If you haven't heard about it or seen it by now, you must be living under a rock. KONY 2012 has been blowing up all over the world. This campaign has been brought to everyone's attention by a simple strategy, of just using the media. Facebook, twitter, the news, magazines, newspapers, radio, you name it. It's been used to broadcast this campaign. 
If you are completely unaware of what I am talking about it, take a look below at the video. Take 30 minutes of your time to watch, you won't regret it. 

Sunday, March 11, 2012

the walking dead

So I don't know if anyone watches The Walking Dead, but if you don't, I highly recommend you do. Now I know what you're probably thinking, a show about zombies, it's going to be dumb and predictable. However, this show is so much more about the actual characters and their problem rather than the zombies. The zombies are more the extras in the story, rather than the main focus. Take a chance and watch the show, every Sunday at 9 pm. Only one more episode left in the season, don't miss out! 

media journaling

So for our class we had to do a journal that showed us how much we use the media in our every day lives. This was an eye opening experience for me because I did not realize how much I actually use the media. I discovered how much I text, and it turns out to be obnoxious amount... but I guess with this day and age everyone is texting! I prefer it sometimes to talking on the phone because it allows me to take my time and think of my response. I don't know though, what do you think?

Monday, March 5, 2012

New Media Review

Something that I've been using lately and I wanted to talk about for my new media review project is an application called "Draw Something." This interactive app allows you and another person to play pictionary with each other in different locations by just using a smart phone! You can select an opponent by looking through friends on Facebook, searching someone's username, or facing a random opponent. The object of the game is to have the other person guess the drawing correctly, and if they did, you both get points! My friends and I are already addicted to this app, and have used it every day. Watch out "Words With Friends" and "Hanging With Friends", this app will slowly take you down!